She "(shouted from the Main Gate) -"Nana Nana Nana... I am back home... Nana Nana" saying this she became Silent.
Nana-" Come to the Dinning Hall, your favourite dishes for lunch is here"
Again there was silence, Nana got a little worried.
Nana (called out again)--" Yohoo....Butterscotch Icecream after lunch, quickly quickly I am counting 1-2-3-4-5".
Again there was silence, Nana was now even more worried. Hurriedly Nana started searching the house,the terrace, the lawn but still couldnt find her. Quickly he traced his steps to the window on the left wall in Main Hall from the Entrance.
Then he turned towards to the lawn to open the window from outside & he was shocked again for the nth time.... Mishti was sitting all folded between the wide grills of the window & happily eating ButterScotch Icecream.
Mishti jumped and went straight to Nani. Nana closed the window & angrily went to Nani's room to scold Mishti. Seeing Nana Mishti started crying loudly.
Mishti- " Nana Nana I am hurt.. my legs are scratched from that window grill see, its hurting now".
Nana quickly got a dettol bottle & cotton to clean Mishti's wounds. Mishti started crying again. Nana -" You are a small girl and when small girls get hurt they cry loudly".
Hearing this Mishti got angry and went to her room & shut the door. Nana went inside the room & saw Mishti lying on her bed with green & pink flowers and crying. He knew why she was crying .
Nana (saying teasingly)- " My Small girl.. little baby"
Mishti - " You are bad Nana, you make me cry, I will never talk to you"
Nana( sweetly)- " Okay don't talk, but this Butterscotch ice-cream in the bowl is waiting for you"
Mishti - " No, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I dont want your Ice cream, please leave my room"
Nana got up & went to watch TV in his room. After an hour Mishti was feeling hungry as it was 3 pm she went tothe Kitchen and saw all kinds of tasty items cooked for lunch, only eaten by Nani.
Nana got up & went to watch TV in his room. After an hour Mishti was feeling hungry as it was 3 pm she went tothe Kitchen and saw all kinds of tasty items cooked for lunch, only eaten by Nani.
Mishti thought- "Nani eats at 1pm, Nana eats with me at 2 pm, but looks like no one has eaten today, why what is the matter".
She went back to her room without eating anything, she thought of her fight with Nana & how bad Nana has become & frowned.She suddenly recalled something & rushed to Nana's room at 3:35pm.
Mishti- " Nana why dint you & Nani have your tasty lunch"
Nana (angrily)- " I dont want to eat that tasty lunch any more"
Nana was fixated to the TV. Mishti went back & came back to Nana's room at 4:15 pm with a tray of few tasty lunchfood in it.
Mishti(crying)- "Nana sorry I-the big girl missed saying this-- Happy Birthday Nana & I dont hate you".
She took a spoonful of rice & curry & then Nana's favourite ButterScotch Ice-cream & gave it to him for she knew he had not eaten since morning for he wished only to celebrate his 60th Birthday with Mishti (whom he dearly loved) at lunch & hear the words again "Happy Birthday"(which no one had remembered or said to him in the last 30 years ).
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