Sunday, September 27, 2009

Harvesting Season- Realization + Oppression

Ask a farmer about the harvesting season and it brings all smiles to him/her.
He /she reaps a bountiful reward for the hard work in his harvest and perhaps represents his/her own harvest usually after long struggle.
We have such harvesting moments/seasons. It clearly means to us -we have fulfilled a creative venture, realized a dream and now must deal with the consequences of that fulfillment.
The realization of a creative vision, however, often carries with it the weight of responsibility. It is so strange sometimes that in the entire process we are unwilling to let go of excessive responsibility or lack the freshness of the original vision after it has been fulfilled or we imbibe what we see around.

It is so funny in some cases when we start things we have the spirit of the Fool so carefree, excited not thinking about the pitfalls but as we move ahead we take too much burden. The burden is at times so difficult to let go or lead a balance approach because the venture & the realization suddenly has more worth than our own mental, emotional , spiritual health/existence.

Often we see in personal relationships ( which is very confusing) " one who bends backwards" takes responsibility to make it work and the other person is not even aware or ignores the fact that how much responsibility the other person is taking.

In all I am beginning to think-

Is it that the moment one feels- carrying the excess burden, heart in pain, oppression, giving too much, over committed one needs to stop working hard or at least pace oneself in a balanced way.


Is it knowingly/unknowingly misuse of one's energy


Is it one's destiny - i.e:One will have to fight uphill for every little gain. Each step will feel like a struggle which maybe only one's imagination


Is it the way how life is - Do your karma and never expect anything, it will all happen for you good


Anonymous said...


Your really one confused kid


Your a girl


your both

Anonymous said...

Excuse me !!! or are your really one insensitive soul or your a man or ure both????

Anonymous said...

U GAY!!!!

Anonymous said...

no... seems like U HAPPY GAY !!!