Some moments in life just uplift you spirit or mood atleast for a moment no matter how insignificant they might be or might sound to someone else.
I wasnt keeping well for the past one month and felt dull, upset , sick .Today i went for lunch with my colleague and from there we went to fabindia for a quick look out.
It was the same dull boring me walking around as if half dead.
In Fab India i was searching for a nice kurta.I searched
and searched,some items were too expensive, some too monotonous ,
some too boring ( the usual girls stuff) seemed as if nothing fits
in or rather I dont fit in.
In this entire process of searching for Kurta (with already low self
esteem & dullness within me) I suddenly got too upset inside,
feeling absolutely useless, my eyes for a fraction of second just
filled with tears and even more sad and just started linking it with
my life and recent happenings as if hell again bent lose.
" But as they say life is a box of chocolates you never know what you are gonna get."
Suddenly my colleague found a kurta, i tried it on. I dont know what happened when i saw myself in mirror wearing it, it elevated my mood and I suddenly felt inside as if i have finally found something.
I was really jumping like a child , actually felt I am happy again. It might not change the happenings around but it really made feel more strong, peaceful & happy inside.
Strangely sometimes we say to ourselves---" Too many walls have been build in between us too many dreams have been shattered around us but deep in my heart i know that the strength is within" ;)
My take on life- THE MOMENT, My take on the world- UNCENSORED, My take on me- UNEXPLORED ( FACT/FICTION), My take on u- REACH OUT
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
When I was young girl of 4 years whenever I used to greet someone I used to say--
" Namsate Namaste chole khao saste" , laugh and run away. Little did and knew then and know what Namaste really means ( I am sure many of us still dont---Shame)
In India & Nepal Namaste is a way of universal greeting which is offered to everyone. When one says Namaste it means " I give you light"
Namah + te = Namaste
Where ( Namah = The holy name of light" and Te = you)
Even for that matter when you say "Hello" it is also a form of saying "Halo".. which means giving light. So next when you say Hello or Namaste , you finally know you have been saying all these years
" Namsate Namaste chole khao saste" , laugh and run away. Little did and knew then and know what Namaste really means ( I am sure many of us still dont---Shame)
In India & Nepal Namaste is a way of universal greeting which is offered to everyone. When one says Namaste it means " I give you light"
Namah + te = Namaste
Where ( Namah = The holy name of light" and Te = you)
Even for that matter when you say "Hello" it is also a form of saying "Halo".. which means giving light. So next when you say Hello or Namaste , you finally know you have been saying all these years
An incident i read on a friend's blog about the power communications- A woman goes to a doctor for ECG etche checks and says NO THRILL. The woman interprets it as vulgar and passes the message to others too. On discussion of the report the doctor says NO THRILL, on asking what it meant, the Answer was- Fast LUB DUB sound of the Heart
My o my... Here we are again always falling into our designs & imaginations of interpretations, literally clinging on towords/sentences which mean entirely something else. The above was just a communication between a patient and a doctor.
Worst is when we experience similar situation in our personal relationship. Our next film plot has miscommunication between two people very close to each other. Dammit its the Hero and the heroine !!!
The Heroine is nagging on and on about the disinterest of the hero and our hero is forever busy in setting his career and life. On a lovely Saturday morning with a sweet discussion enters the Queen of Miscommunication, the heroine says something which sounded offending , when the purpose was to communicate something else and something different got communicated & altogther a different aspect was understood by the hero. Interestingly the hero is very annoyed with the heroine and simply refuses to talk. Btw the superstar hero is Popo and heroine is Roro.:)The film plot is not moving any further of this miscommunication.....
Well the same happens in real life too, just like the film plot. Thus three components of sender ( like heroine) and receiver ( hero) communication
1) Context/purpose under which the incident happened or discussion started.
2) Sentence framing and possible meaning on completion-- written /spoken ( which may /maynot be in sync what one was trying to communicate) :)
3) Context Understood by the receiver---( which maybe mere picking of words in the communication & as per one's imagination/ understanding )However the same maynot true and sinply not in line with the context at all or mi interpreted
Interestingly, thats the POWER OF MIS-COMMUNICATION. Defintion of miscommunication-
An attempt to explain which may not be expressed correctly ( as per language, words, gestures) , which is wrongly understood out of one's whims and fancies . Note:-To further increase its intensity the best option is to stop talking. ( i guess men are best at it)
Guess the lessons learnt :-
• Dunt talk too much ( except a roaring presentation when ure boss and super boss are around )
• Dunt debate when people are not particularly happy with you
• When being told " cut the conversation it will turn bad" .Learn to keep ure trap shut then & there.
• Pick words with care & dont be aggressive
• Remember your mis communication can affect your life
• Dont talk/ discuss about comparison ( unless at work)
• Dont nag ( esp women)
• The topic is just a discussion not to be taken personally
• Understand slippage of words do happen ( with particularly women :))
• Be understanding everything is not a means to hit your ego ( esp men)
• If someone explains a point .give them a chance to explain ( esp after or during mis-commnucation)
• Dont ignore the person & forgive - believe me ignoring is not worth it
• Dont jump to conclusion
• Understand maybe the other person (woman) is going through a bad time. Understand atleast
The Power of miscommunication is great , ripples and after effects but i guess the PERSON/IDEA itself has to be more important than only the mis communication or pride/ ego. Well all make mistake.Its not worth cutting ties or stop communicating for a mis communication. Not at all.... There always a chance and chances ;)
Well as for now I am just waiting and saying Amen
My o my... Here we are again always falling into our designs & imaginations of interpretations, literally clinging on towords/sentences which mean entirely something else. The above was just a communication between a patient and a doctor.
Worst is when we experience similar situation in our personal relationship. Our next film plot has miscommunication between two people very close to each other. Dammit its the Hero and the heroine !!!
The Heroine is nagging on and on about the disinterest of the hero and our hero is forever busy in setting his career and life. On a lovely Saturday morning with a sweet discussion enters the Queen of Miscommunication, the heroine says something which sounded offending , when the purpose was to communicate something else and something different got communicated & altogther a different aspect was understood by the hero. Interestingly the hero is very annoyed with the heroine and simply refuses to talk. Btw the superstar hero is Popo and heroine is Roro.:)The film plot is not moving any further of this miscommunication.....
Well the same happens in real life too, just like the film plot. Thus three components of sender ( like heroine) and receiver ( hero) communication
1) Context/purpose under which the incident happened or discussion started.
2) Sentence framing and possible meaning on completion-- written /spoken ( which may /maynot be in sync what one was trying to communicate) :)
3) Context Understood by the receiver---( which maybe mere picking of words in the communication & as per one's imagination/ understanding )However the same maynot true and sinply not in line with the context at all or mi interpreted
Interestingly, thats the POWER OF MIS-COMMUNICATION. Defintion of miscommunication-
An attempt to explain which may not be expressed correctly ( as per language, words, gestures) , which is wrongly understood out of one's whims and fancies . Note:-To further increase its intensity the best option is to stop talking. ( i guess men are best at it)
Guess the lessons learnt :-
• Dunt talk too much ( except a roaring presentation when ure boss and super boss are around )
• Dunt debate when people are not particularly happy with you
• When being told " cut the conversation it will turn bad" .Learn to keep ure trap shut then & there.
• Pick words with care & dont be aggressive
• Remember your mis communication can affect your life
• Dont talk/ discuss about comparison ( unless at work)
• Dont nag ( esp women)
• The topic is just a discussion not to be taken personally
• Understand slippage of words do happen ( with particularly women :))
• Be understanding everything is not a means to hit your ego ( esp men)
• If someone explains a point .give them a chance to explain ( esp after or during mis-commnucation)
• Dont ignore the person & forgive - believe me ignoring is not worth it
• Dont jump to conclusion
• Understand maybe the other person (woman) is going through a bad time. Understand atleast
The Power of miscommunication is great , ripples and after effects but i guess the PERSON/IDEA itself has to be more important than only the mis communication or pride/ ego. Well all make mistake.Its not worth cutting ties or stop communicating for a mis communication. Not at all.... There always a chance and chances ;)
Well as for now I am just waiting and saying Amen
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Every time we return home, we put the key in the lock and open the door. We don't pay attention to the key or the lock. We perform this task mechanically. That is, until one day we come home and the key does not enter the lock -- or when we try to turn the key and the lock will not open. When that happens, suddenly we pull out the key and examine it very closely. We then see that the key is bent, dull and getting worn. We notice the lock is also getting worn. Suddenly we pay attention to the key and the lock. The key and the lock were in that worn state for quite a while, but we didn't notice it until it messed up externally.
When things are moving smoothly in our life, and we feel comfortable with them, we tend to fall asleep.It creates confusion with their external nature. This confusion causes us to hesitate and reflect. This reflection is a powerful catalyst for understanding the inner, deeper nature of the life lesson . In the Vedic sense, we are not necessarily here to be happy. Happiness is a part of life, but we are here to learn the truth about who we really are. Some circumstances as such are 'strong' in delivering that lesson to us.
It is these circumstances or these confusions which create a powerful reflective nature in an indiviual and area neglected was lieing deep within them.
I read this concept in bits and pieces in some articles. So in the true sense it more of a borrowed concept, just fabricated in some different words
When things are moving smoothly in our life, and we feel comfortable with them, we tend to fall asleep.It creates confusion with their external nature. This confusion causes us to hesitate and reflect. This reflection is a powerful catalyst for understanding the inner, deeper nature of the life lesson . In the Vedic sense, we are not necessarily here to be happy. Happiness is a part of life, but we are here to learn the truth about who we really are. Some circumstances as such are 'strong' in delivering that lesson to us.
It is these circumstances or these confusions which create a powerful reflective nature in an indiviual and area neglected was lieing deep within them.
I read this concept in bits and pieces in some articles. So in the true sense it more of a borrowed concept, just fabricated in some different words
Monday, November 17, 2008
How old are you??- Part 2
Whenever I think about or come across the serial no. stating relationship status there is a certain chill which goes through my body of realizing that I am now in my late twenties ( i.e.: not 25/26 anymore)in another few years will be 30.
I usually get perturbed with the fact that it is still considered a taboo, curse when your relationship status speaks aloud “SINGLE WOMAN”. With all hoo- humm about modernism it is still considered social ill which usually indicates that you are some wanton woman who has some lascivious desires and cannot settle for one man.( Infact its the species called as males who happy to be "Single Man" who cannot settle for one woman becouse of their some non sensical theories..Kidding)
Infact in my ripe & hay days when i was 22/23 years old I have heard woman boss saying about another woman boss in her thirties “Oh look 34 now and still single must be sleeping around what a slut “. I said inside aloud “God save us, why did you educate us”.
I sometimes fail to understand why it is a social stigma to be single woman (either by choice, divorce, widow or a failed marriage). Is it really a sin to crawl out the ego dented, social pigeon holes and be who you are. I had known of a certain someone who got married at 26 and eventually left the unfulfilling marriage at 26 ½, she is now 36 happy living an independent life and recently found a cute boyfriend too. I am not too sure if it is fine to live a silent sorrow in an emotional prison. (be it a marriage or a love relationship).
Most of us believe that in this modern independent times with generation ABC & XYZ of fancy gizmos, internet, games etc. we feel the deeper self within us will still remain the same not fully understanding that somewhere there is a need to adapt to change and for heaven sake not call a woman a social responsibility to be disposed off.
Is it really not fair to take time to choose your Mr. Right?? Does it mean that she has to be considered Ms. Wrong to choose her Mr. Right & Success? Is it really something wrong in being single (in late twenties or thirties), kinda aiming for success and most importantly being a woman? Is it really wrong to be a woman??
I usually get perturbed with the fact that it is still considered a taboo, curse when your relationship status speaks aloud “SINGLE WOMAN”. With all hoo- humm about modernism it is still considered social ill which usually indicates that you are some wanton woman who has some lascivious desires and cannot settle for one man.( Infact its the species called as males who happy to be "Single Man" who cannot settle for one woman becouse of their some non sensical theories..Kidding)
Infact in my ripe & hay days when i was 22/23 years old I have heard woman boss saying about another woman boss in her thirties “Oh look 34 now and still single must be sleeping around what a slut “. I said inside aloud “God save us, why did you educate us”.
I sometimes fail to understand why it is a social stigma to be single woman (either by choice, divorce, widow or a failed marriage). Is it really a sin to crawl out the ego dented, social pigeon holes and be who you are. I had known of a certain someone who got married at 26 and eventually left the unfulfilling marriage at 26 ½, she is now 36 happy living an independent life and recently found a cute boyfriend too. I am not too sure if it is fine to live a silent sorrow in an emotional prison. (be it a marriage or a love relationship).
Most of us believe that in this modern independent times with generation ABC & XYZ of fancy gizmos, internet, games etc. we feel the deeper self within us will still remain the same not fully understanding that somewhere there is a need to adapt to change and for heaven sake not call a woman a social responsibility to be disposed off.
Is it really not fair to take time to choose your Mr. Right?? Does it mean that she has to be considered Ms. Wrong to choose her Mr. Right & Success? Is it really something wrong in being single (in late twenties or thirties), kinda aiming for success and most importantly being a woman? Is it really wrong to be a woman??
How Old are you -Part 1
How Old are you???
How old are you???
There were many a times when my cousins & friends used to call me at odd hours asking for relationship advice & fixations (wow). Finally a few got married and others got into serious relationships. Just a few days back my cousin (btw whom I had helped for 4 years in her relationship crisis & finally saw her marrying/passing with flying colors & who left her job ) called me at 4 am to have an important conversation. Guess what the Important conversation was all about (typical Punjabi style):-
Cousin (calling at 4am) - Hey How are you??
Me (in sleepy voice) - Was sleeping!!
Cousin (exicted) - Hey I have to talk something important
Me (cursing the stars) - Ye go on! Is Mr. N okay??
Cousin (happy)—Yes Yes, He loves me dearly, we frequently make love!! You know na I am happily married now.
Me (confused)—Then why are you calling me at 4 am??
Cousin (in a sad tone)—I was thinking about you today??
Me (astonished)—After all these months, you finally though about me at 4 am??
Cousin (excited tone)—Do you meet guys, some nice ones??
Me (confused, irritated)—Yes mostly jerks
Cousin (again sad tone)—Worried about you yaar, you are not settled??
Me (shocked)—I am working, I am kinda settled in my work now.
Cousin (saddest tone) - Who will take you, you are so old now, age is increasing.. worst no boyfriend also. My in-laws’ said-- Your parents must be feeling ashamed of having an old daughter at home now. Entire family is feeling sad, you are social responsibility
.Leave work just get married.
Me (super-shocked, angry at 4:30 am)—Social responsibility???
Cousin (super-saddest tone mixed with anger)—Yes ... it’s a social & personal taboo you will be never be accepted fully well in the society, not atleast not here—Babe your relationship status defines who you are. Just marry anyone it’s too much now!!
Me (Super-duper shocked and thinking) --- How old am I??
How Old am I?
ow Old am I?
How old are you???
There were many a times when my cousins & friends used to call me at odd hours asking for relationship advice & fixations (wow). Finally a few got married and others got into serious relationships. Just a few days back my cousin (btw whom I had helped for 4 years in her relationship crisis & finally saw her marrying/passing with flying colors & who left her job ) called me at 4 am to have an important conversation. Guess what the Important conversation was all about (typical Punjabi style):-
Cousin (calling at 4am) - Hey How are you??
Me (in sleepy voice) - Was sleeping!!
Cousin (exicted) - Hey I have to talk something important
Me (cursing the stars) - Ye go on! Is Mr. N okay??
Cousin (happy)—Yes Yes, He loves me dearly, we frequently make love!! You know na I am happily married now.
Me (confused)—Then why are you calling me at 4 am??
Cousin (in a sad tone)—I was thinking about you today??
Me (astonished)—After all these months, you finally though about me at 4 am??
Cousin (excited tone)—Do you meet guys, some nice ones??
Me (confused, irritated)—Yes mostly jerks
Cousin (again sad tone)—Worried about you yaar, you are not settled??
Me (shocked)—I am working, I am kinda settled in my work now.
Cousin (saddest tone) - Who will take you, you are so old now, age is increasing.. worst no boyfriend also. My in-laws’ said-- Your parents must be feeling ashamed of having an old daughter at home now. Entire family is feeling sad, you are social responsibility
.Leave work just get married.
Me (super-shocked, angry at 4:30 am)—Social responsibility???
Cousin (super-saddest tone mixed with anger)—Yes ... it’s a social & personal taboo you will be never be accepted fully well in the society, not atleast not here—Babe your relationship status defines who you are. Just marry anyone it’s too much now!!
Me (Super-duper shocked and thinking) --- How old am I??
How Old am I?
ow Old am I?
Free Will-Part 2
Karma by defintition is what is put on us which is usually inflicted upon by the cosmos. In short--Action also.
Free Will is what I will do myself irrespective of cosmos or any other agency.
As per the philosophy of some school of thought there are things which actually inspire the karma. ( Usually Karma philosophy is followed by most faiths and doctrines which are widely followed).
As per Philosophy of typically some schools in Hinduism & Buddhism believe there are different types of Karma
• Sanchita Karma- These are the accumulated actions, which typically
means the sum total of the karmas from past lives, this being
either good or bad cannot be changed either some say even by Prayers,
mantras or tantras. (This is also more prudent if the karma is
associated with the Fixed Sign)
• Prabhadra Karma- These correspond to the actual motion or the
actions set for us. It says it is the portion of the sanchita karma
which is actually reaping the fruit now e.g.: appearance, associations,
personal associations.etc. As per the Astaka Varga Bindus calculations
it can be found out what domain the individual needs to work more
towards and what can be obtained easily ( though there are other
factors contributing too)
• Agami Karma – It means coming or arriving. This is the karma which
one needs to create now to eventually bear the fruit now or later.
Interestingly as per the philosophy Shatyamsa Chart can help in understanding the karmic underbelly also (means the downfall of a specific karma).
Again what I read in Rohinaa--
God has created the humans impowered by free will. Human can choose to follow path of light or shadow/dark. Where is choice there must be free will but then subject changes from philosophy to sociology and then there is a question how far can the person reach beyond the ground firmed by social background.
I am not sure whether all or none of it is true but I do believe it is during the course of the journey we do realise how each of the philosophy might fit perfectly in circumstances each time bearing a different outcome/fruit everytime, sometimes by applying the same philosophy.
Karma by defintition is what is put on us which is usually inflicted upon by the cosmos. In short--Action also.
Free Will is what I will do myself irrespective of cosmos or any other agency.
As per the philosophy of some school of thought there are things which actually inspire the karma. ( Usually Karma philosophy is followed by most faiths and doctrines which are widely followed).
As per Philosophy of typically some schools in Hinduism & Buddhism believe there are different types of Karma
• Sanchita Karma- These are the accumulated actions, which typically
means the sum total of the karmas from past lives, this being
either good or bad cannot be changed either some say even by Prayers,
mantras or tantras. (This is also more prudent if the karma is
associated with the Fixed Sign)
• Prabhadra Karma- These correspond to the actual motion or the
actions set for us. It says it is the portion of the sanchita karma
which is actually reaping the fruit now e.g.: appearance, associations,
personal associations.etc. As per the Astaka Varga Bindus calculations
it can be found out what domain the individual needs to work more
towards and what can be obtained easily ( though there are other
factors contributing too)
• Agami Karma – It means coming or arriving. This is the karma which
one needs to create now to eventually bear the fruit now or later.
Interestingly as per the philosophy Shatyamsa Chart can help in understanding the karmic underbelly also (means the downfall of a specific karma).
Again what I read in Rohinaa--
God has created the humans impowered by free will. Human can choose to follow path of light or shadow/dark. Where is choice there must be free will but then subject changes from philosophy to sociology and then there is a question how far can the person reach beyond the ground firmed by social background.
I am not sure whether all or none of it is true but I do believe it is during the course of the journey we do realise how each of the philosophy might fit perfectly in circumstances each time bearing a different outcome/fruit everytime, sometimes by applying the same philosophy.
Free Will- Part 1
Free Will-
Sometime back I read a few articles on Free Will from different school of thoughts. Though many people find this as boring non sensical topic but it actually opens up a realm of diverse concepts, outlooks and some way to understand life in itself.
In laymen's term Free Will is the ability of any being to respond and act as per one 's reflexes or choices without any intervention or constraint from the external environment eg: fate, god, karma etc.This in some societies can easily be related to existenialism, nihilism, atheist etc
Free Will is a part of Freedom and there is nothing like unfree will if considered in the view of Freedom. However there are many school of thoughts which propogate differently "Free Will". I have read a few times about existenialism, nihilism, theists etc. at a young age ( actually when i couldnt even comprehend half the things).
A few concepts which I understood from Rohinaa ( others may differ from these)which are applied in different circumstances by an indiviual :O)---
• Determinism -This school views that all events
are the necessary results of previous causes, that everything that
happens has a cause.Sounds More like the Philosophy of Hinduism
• Compatibilism- It views that free will still
emerges out of a deterministic universe even in the absence of
metaphysical uncertainty. Clearly stating irrespective of the previous
causes there still is internal free will emerging and which leads to
an event ( irrespective of the previous cause)
• In compatibilism-It views that there is no way to
reconcile a belief in a deterministic universe with actual free will.
Clearly stating that if we keep believing in previous events and cause
there will be no Free will
• Libertianians- It views that individuals do have
metaphysical freedom and which therefore rejects determinism. Completely
denying the previous events and cause relationship and paving way
for Voluntarism.
• Indeterminism- It views that there is no Free Will
Aristotle, Plato, Socrates etc all believed in different school of thought.
Interestingly some school of thoughts believe than in the randomness of justice and injustice inflicted on different beings and if there is a suscipion or believe of Supreme Power or God or Controller there is a balance between the Karma and Free Will.....KARMA & FREE WILL
Sometime back I read a few articles on Free Will from different school of thoughts. Though many people find this as boring non sensical topic but it actually opens up a realm of diverse concepts, outlooks and some way to understand life in itself.
In laymen's term Free Will is the ability of any being to respond and act as per one 's reflexes or choices without any intervention or constraint from the external environment eg: fate, god, karma etc.This in some societies can easily be related to existenialism, nihilism, atheist etc
Free Will is a part of Freedom and there is nothing like unfree will if considered in the view of Freedom. However there are many school of thoughts which propogate differently "Free Will". I have read a few times about existenialism, nihilism, theists etc. at a young age ( actually when i couldnt even comprehend half the things).
A few concepts which I understood from Rohinaa ( others may differ from these)which are applied in different circumstances by an indiviual :O)---
• Determinism -This school views that all events
are the necessary results of previous causes, that everything that
happens has a cause.Sounds More like the Philosophy of Hinduism
• Compatibilism- It views that free will still
emerges out of a deterministic universe even in the absence of
metaphysical uncertainty. Clearly stating irrespective of the previous
causes there still is internal free will emerging and which leads to
an event ( irrespective of the previous cause)
• In compatibilism-It views that there is no way to
reconcile a belief in a deterministic universe with actual free will.
Clearly stating that if we keep believing in previous events and cause
there will be no Free will
• Libertianians- It views that individuals do have
metaphysical freedom and which therefore rejects determinism. Completely
denying the previous events and cause relationship and paving way
for Voluntarism.
• Indeterminism- It views that there is no Free Will
Aristotle, Plato, Socrates etc all believed in different school of thought.
Interestingly some school of thoughts believe than in the randomness of justice and injustice inflicted on different beings and if there is a suscipion or believe of Supreme Power or God or Controller there is a balance between the Karma and Free Will.....KARMA & FREE WILL
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Ajj Ankhan Waris Shah Nu
My mother was a voracious reader of many Punjabi poets, writers. She sometimes in one of her happy moods recites poems from few of her favorites. I remember her humming Ajj Akhan Waris Shah nu ( hoping i was correct). In the last 2 years I have read a few a punjabi poems and stories. I havent been able to explore much because of my inability to read, write both Punjabi & Urdu well ( actually 90%). Out of the few ajj akhan waris shah nu was one and i unknowingly keep reciting it.
Aaj Akhan Wairs Shah nu-- This is written by an Indian Writer and Poet, also one of first promninent Punjabi woman poetess, writer & essayists.She was equally loved
both in India as well in Pakistan. The Poem was written by Amirta Pritam Singh or Amrita Kaur voiced the blood soaked memories of the millions during the Partition.
Below are few of my favorite lines from the poem ( The poem is a long one).
aj aakhan Waris Shah nu, kiton kabraan vichchon bol,
te aj kitab-e-ishq daa koi agla varka phol
ik roi si dhi Punjab di, tun likh likh maare vaen,
aj lakhaan dhian rondian, tainun Waris Shah nun kaehn
Today, I call Waris Shah, “Speak from your grave”
And turn, today, the book of love’s next affectionate page
Once, a daughter of Punjab cried and you wrote a wailing saga
Today, a million daughters, cry to you, Waris Shah
jitthe vajdi si phuuk pyaar di, ve oh vanjhali gayi guaach
Raanjhe de sab veer aj, bhul gaye uhadi jaach
dharti te lahoo varsiya, kabraan paiaan choan,
preet diaan shaahzaadiaan, aaj vichch mazaaraan roan
Lost is the flute, which once, blew sounds of the heart
Ranjha’s brothers, today, no longer know this art
Blood rained on our shrines; drenching them to the core
Damsels of amour, today, sit crying at their door
aj sabbhe Kaido` ban gaye, husn, ishq de chor
aj kitthon liaaiye labbh ke Waris Shah ik hor
Today everyone is, ‘Kaido;’ thieves of beauty and ardour
Where can we find, today, another Warish Shah, once more
Aaj Akhan Wairs Shah nu-- This is written by an Indian Writer and Poet, also one of first promninent Punjabi woman poetess, writer & essayists.She was equally loved
both in India as well in Pakistan. The Poem was written by Amirta Pritam Singh or Amrita Kaur voiced the blood soaked memories of the millions during the Partition.
Below are few of my favorite lines from the poem ( The poem is a long one).
aj aakhan Waris Shah nu, kiton kabraan vichchon bol,
te aj kitab-e-ishq daa koi agla varka phol
ik roi si dhi Punjab di, tun likh likh maare vaen,
aj lakhaan dhian rondian, tainun Waris Shah nun kaehn
Today, I call Waris Shah, “Speak from your grave”
And turn, today, the book of love’s next affectionate page
Once, a daughter of Punjab cried and you wrote a wailing saga
Today, a million daughters, cry to you, Waris Shah
jitthe vajdi si phuuk pyaar di, ve oh vanjhali gayi guaach
Raanjhe de sab veer aj, bhul gaye uhadi jaach
dharti te lahoo varsiya, kabraan paiaan choan,
preet diaan shaahzaadiaan, aaj vichch mazaaraan roan
Lost is the flute, which once, blew sounds of the heart
Ranjha’s brothers, today, no longer know this art
Blood rained on our shrines; drenching them to the core
Damsels of amour, today, sit crying at their door
aj sabbhe Kaido` ban gaye, husn, ishq de chor
aj kitthon liaaiye labbh ke Waris Shah ik hor
Today everyone is, ‘Kaido;’ thieves of beauty and ardour
Where can we find, today, another Warish Shah, once more
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Taste of Cherry

Taste of Cherry
Taste of Cherry , 1997 is an Iranian Movie, directed by Abbas Kiarostami. I read somewhere that Kiarostami said "There are films that "nail you to the seat and overwhelm you to the point that you forget everything, but you feel cheated later".
And I suppose you feel this way when you watch the movie " the movie nails you to your seat & overwhelm you but for a purpose.Interestingly a slow paced movie can also do it.
Taste of cherry is a rather slow paced movie compared to many movies( specifically the Bollywood Movies). The story is about a desperate man hell bent to commit suicide and makes attempts to enlist people to help him get buried. Will he find a compassionate man to favor him?? What was inside of him which was made him desperate to bury himself?? Does he actually die?? This must be sounding like a Greek Aesopian fable but the movie goes deeper in to the dimensions of life and emotions, themes of human nature and complexity, act of suicide in it self.
It took me a few days to stop thinking about the movie, the deseparate man, other protognasits, the suicide, human legacy of living & other questions & meanings. To me the movie talked of many more meanings than the usual plot and melodrama.
It interestingly points out, what was there that probed a middle aged man, so financially sound like him desire to suicide and bury himself.In all probablities the reason could have been very narrow but much more deeper.
Is boredoom & emptiness in itself such a big reason for creating a burial for self. Is suicide or self burial not legitmate? Interestingly none of the religious doctrines of all faith, maybe people around, life around
could not convince the desperate man to change his mind for the pain inflicted on him?? Is it really possible to find a true and compassionate person to do you a favor??
Interestingly in the deseprate man's odyssey to find a compassionate man to favor him, he faces so many rejections which eventually make him feel even more rejected. Even when one finds a compassionate man who does the act of burial for the happiness of other is still an ambigious concept.
From the movie it seems the desire for committing is suicide is more than the reason it self. Maybe it is desire which needs to respected??? Maybe this again is ambigious....
The various protognaists their nature, mood, life could not move the desperate man to change his mind or was it really he wasnt moved?? Is the movie really about exitenialism or is it really about a man and his lost life & his zeal to live???
Indeed the taste of cherry is what lead the deseprate man to live again but it was again the taste of cherry which fills in the blank & creates his desire to end his life, infact it becomes his quest to end his life.
Its my favorite movie yet I am not sure if i can truly watch this movie without taking away my once Existentialist thoughts away.
Monday, November 10, 2008
" 2 Mauch"
too much mint but not well enough summer
too much money but not well enough opportunity
too much talk but not well enough connection
too much stuff but not enough space
to much icing but not enough cake
too much to think but not well enough to say
too much variety but not enough happiness
too much water but not enough tears
too much teaching but not enough learning
too much power but not enough sense
too much to give but not well enough to receieve
too much blue but not enough sky
too much life but not enough change
too much change but not enough reasons
too much reasons but not enough love
too much love and yet not well enough
too much money but not well enough opportunity
too much talk but not well enough connection
too much stuff but not enough space
to much icing but not enough cake
too much to think but not well enough to say
too much variety but not enough happiness
too much water but not enough tears
too much teaching but not enough learning
too much power but not enough sense
too much to give but not well enough to receieve
too much blue but not enough sky
too much life but not enough change
too much change but not enough reasons
too much reasons but not enough love
too much love and yet not well enough
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Movie-Rabbit-Proof Fence

RAbbit- Proof Fence... The moment you read this you might be thinking whats there to write about rabbits and proof fences. I hope not !!
Interestingly this is the name of an Australian movie released in 2002. The movie is adopted from the book Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence by Doris. THe movie or the book ( which I am yet to read)is about the life of the author's mother Molly Craig, her younger sister - Daisy and there cousin Gracie Fields.
The story is about Molly who along with Daisy & Gracie who are mixed race aboriginals girls ran away from the Moore River in Perth, Australia to return to their aboriginals tribe. The three girls are claimed to be mixed raced aborginals and forcibly sent taken from their mother in Jialong and sent to
Moore River.They try to escape following the Rabbit Proof fence ( there are three fences in which runs from the north coast of Western Australia to Sothern part) which is pest exclusion fence.
There journey is very interesting & touching to see how the three girls managed to escape from Neville each time, (who was then supposed to be the Protector of the aboriginals), Modoo (another aboriginal who is helper to Neville), prison garbs, dogs, dog troppers and meeting other supporters like Mavis.The girls crossed a flooded river, sand dunes, heathlands, wheatbelt, mallee country, gibber plains, red dust, salt lake. They slept in dug-out rabbit burrows, caught and cooked rabbits, and ate bibijali, a kind of sweet potato, and karkula, a wild banana.
When their legs were weary, sore and infected by grass cuts, Molly piggy-backed Daisy, & Gracie in turn.
Sad but true only two of the girls Molly and Daisy make it and eventually meet their mother after 9 weeks of travel on foot everyday they walked 40 miles. Gracie on the other hand is tricked by the authorities and eventually get caught and never makes it to Jialong too.
Actually they never heard of Gracie again. In the end its the happy Molly and Daisy with their community.

Interesingly the Author of the Book- Doris herself was forcibly taken away from her mother Molly at age 4 to Moore river in Perth going through the same facility as her mother. It was after 25 years did Doris meet her mother Molly, they didnot talk much
and neither was she aware of her mother's captivity too and her escapism until her Aunt Daisy did'nt tell her the story.The author wrote this book in 1985 but it never got published she again re0interviewed her mother & aunt and eventually the book got
published in 1996 and the movie was made in 2002 which i saw in 2007. :)
The main characters Molly & Daisy were still alive during the making of the movie at age 85 & 79 years old living in Jialong region.The movie Rabbit-Proof fence was premiered in Jialong too ( a remote location in Western Australia of the Mardudjara community) with a population of 300-500. The guest of honor was Molly and it was her first movie premier, infact the first movie she had ever seen. Infact all through the movie she kept saying she wants to go home :)
Sadly molly died at age 87 in 2004. After seeing the movie and hearing the songs i did say "yes indeed 1500 miles would had a been a long walk home for you Molly & Daisy" and quite true "Her legacy is the calming influence and quiet dignity of the desert women, and the stolen generations story,which looked at you straight in the eye"
I recently watched a Japanense movie --Kikujiro No Natsu meaning Kikujiro's Summers. The story is in chapters which goes like this....
There a young boy Masao who lives in Tokyo with his grandmother. One summer day he receives a package with a seal and details of his lost mother.
She lives in Toyahasi in Japan some many miles faraway. Upon this the little boy gathers his little bagpack with some 5000 yen to meet his mother.
On the way he meets his neighbours Kikujiro (an ex-yakuza, bad mannered man & bad mouthed, not fond of kids) and his wife. Kikujiro's wife forces him to go with Masao. Kikujiro initially has
no plans to take Masao to his mother instead he goes to the horse races, gamble and splurge all the money.
Kikujiro's mind changes he saves Masao from a Child Molestor in park. They then head to Toyohashi where they stay a lavish hotel only to find out there is hardly
any money left.. from there on starts there real journey when the taxi breaks down and they have to take down to hitch hiking ( you must watch it to see kikujiro's funny actions)
They get lifts from juggler, poet etc.. On reaching Toyohashi and the address.. They find out that Masao's mother has married another man and has a daughter.
Contrary to what expected and known she lived a very different life and forgotten Masao. Kikujiro rushes back to Masao and says that his mother has moved away
even when he knew that Masao has seen his mother.Masao runs around crying. Kikujiro is moved he takes Masao to the beach,he goes to the highway bullies two bikers and gets a blue colored angel bell to make Masao happy.Masao rings the bell manytimes only tosee that maybe an angel will come down and take him to his mother and help him. This scene ends with Masao crying even more.
Then they go to the Shinto Shrine and Masao dreams of dancing Tengu ( Tengu's are supernatural creatures in japanese art & theatre, infact borrowed creatures from Chinese art creatures)
On the way back they meet the bikers again and again a whole fun trip with a camp and traditional games alongwith funny Red Indian Dance, to nude statues etc.
All this reminds Kikujiro of his own mother who abandoned him when he was a young boy, he goes to see her but never meets her. They continue for a few days making Masao happy and loved.
finally the bikers leave and the poet drops them back to Tokyo. Before Masao and Kikujiro part, Kikujiro says "Let's do it again sometime" and Masao thanks him. Kikujiro tells Masao to take care of his grandma.
Masao asks Kikujiro's name and Kikujiro answers "Kikujiro! Now scram!" Masao passes a small bridge with the Angel bell ringing while we see him in the distance.
The movie was very touching and explores many facets of the Japanese society. More so, if clearly shows how as human beings we are alienated and how each one us reacts due to it in most circumstances.
Masao & Kikujiro both depicting normal humans who are alienated inside and each respond in different way to vent out the isloation and coldness felt inside.
we might be living in a society or with people who appear to leading perfectly normal lives yet living in a sea of loneliness and isolation inside.
Interestingly Masao and Kikujiro along there journey realise and unknowningly always react everytime to situations due to there internal residents--anger, loneliness, sadness, non acceptance.
The various characters are almost socially non acceptable people who also seem to need to be valued and accepted for what they are.
Masao ringing the angel bell many a times in the hope of some miracle It was from their journey to Toyahashi they realise how alike they are though unsaid.The summer camp was nicely depicted showing the characters find comfort in each others isloation and learn to understand and value onself and others. It was touching to seehow Kikujiro does all he could to make a little sad boy happy again.. truly unconiditionally and how very much it is important to give.
In the end Masao and Kikujiro being friends and the once sad Masao turned into happy Masao running back home to his grandmother with the angel bells ringing and the now kind of nice, loving Kikujiro asking Masao "Lets do it again sometime" .
Well it as they said towards the end of the movie... the two of them end at a destination which neither of them could have imagined ( at least not without each other)
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