I am huge fan of Vincent Van Gogh- there is so much to him--his paintings, his life, his story, his eccentricity, his colors, his illusions, his inspirational quotes.... endless infact...He inspires me to this very day.
Few of his quotes which I like and make me think
sometimes & alter my thoughts & perceptions-
* Great things are done not by impulse, but by series of small things brought together :)
* Let us keep courage and try to be patient and gentle, Let us mind not being eccentric & make distinction between good and evil ...
* I wish they would take me as I am
* One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul & yet no one ever came to sit by it. Passers by only see wisp of smoke from the chimney & continue on their way
* The sunflower is mine
* There is no blue without yellow and orange