Mato-- " Yes very pretty, hey look books and songs in the shelf"." Neat arent they".
Kare--" Hmmm...I never knew in the shelfs there were books, she never mentioned".
Mato-- " I wish i could've read them, like it was wanted". Pause,"Hey look there is a packet here."
Kare-- " Neat aint it, addressed to whom Mato."
Mato-- " It says " For Mr. Kare Tomo, Please open it when you receive it, here take it, open it now as it says".
Kare (opening the packet)-- " It has a few books, cassette, a pink fan and painting of red cherries, These are for me all my favourite unread books like i once mentioned."
Mato-- " Lets hear the cassette" .
Kare inserted the cassette in the tape recorder. It played read with some songs of John denver, Extreme, Metallica, Dido, alanis, Jewel sung in between by Shamisoi. After the cassette is re-run and heard some 3 times, Mato gets up to switch it off.
Mato-- " You know who sung these songs and why?"
Kare staring towards to the tape recorder.
Mato-- " Here a sweater and mittens knitted for you, I was told to give you when you come,hope it fits.This fan has two eyes painted, wonder how one could paint !!! On the other side it says "
I look in these eyes thinking they are yours
And I see my reflection in these eyes,
Only if you knew how much you mean to me,
I always keep finding you in my heart."
Kare still staring with a prolonged silence between them.
Mato-- " You liked eating red cherries dint you when since you first met. "
Kare looking at Mato.
Kare looking at Mato.
Mato-- " I knew it all this while".
Kare--" She loved me, she always wanted me to stop her from leaving,apologise to her for hurting her, for stealing her from her own heart. I never saw inside her, I was so insensitive, never listened to her. All this while she loved me, she truly loved me --like she said no one can love you more than i do. Even when I knew she loved & cared for me I never accepted her, worst all this while I felt the same for her.I betrayed my own heart,I was always stuck in my past & my selfishness, I hurted her so much .Mato my budd --I love Shamisoi very much, with all my heart, I will always keep her happy for the rest of my life."
Kare lifting his bag--" Come lets go and meet her I will tell her I love her songs, her fans, the sweater and red cherries , everything."
Mato stopped turned his face around towards the willowy weeping window.
Kare (agitated )-- " Come Budd lets go, she is waiting for me".
Mato-- " You can never tell Shamisoi how much you love her, she is now waiting only in your heart, I will too never see her again, no one will see her ever again".
With this Mato left Kare in Shamisoi's room to unburden his heart with tears and sorrow.
What is your inspiration - such unique and interesting names??
These days-- Kannada ;)
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