Potraits Hung in empty halls;
Frameless heads on nameless walls
With eyes that watch the world and can't forget;
Like the strangers that you've met
The ragged men in ragged clothes;
The silver thorn, a bloody rose;
Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow.
Now I think I know;What you tried to say, to me;
And how you suffered for your sanity;And how you tried to set them free:They would not listen; they're not listening still
--Perhaps they never will..........
I rewinded my favorite song again. Suddenly there was knock at my door. I saw Chiki-Miki standing on the door. Chiki-Miki was staring at the pink and grey checkered floor, he walked into my room and like always kept standing, I had to force him to sit.Today he sat comfortably on the bed as opposed to the ancient chair in the room near the window.Suddenly he started talking as opposed to nodding his head.
Chiki Miki said-- "You were listening to Starry Starry nights by Don Mclean. Can I hear it too?" I gave him my old sony walkman of school.
After listening Chiki Miki said-- "You know this song Don Mclean wrote in 1971 for Vincent,Vincent van Gogh-- the famous painter, a dutch/ finnish, I suppose. He had a deep admiration for Vincent as a man too.He makes reference to his famous paintings of luminous orange, yellow flowers, self potraits, landscapes etc. in the song. But you know he was in Saint Remy still he painted with his mind"
I knew Chiki Miki was a very good painter since he was a child of 3, he had painted, sketched, crafted many drawings, won competitions tillhe was hospitalised when he was 16years 2 months old.
Chiki Miki said-- " I am 20 and I am remebering things, i can differentiate, i can hold the spoon and eat by myself, I can read and u know I can hold the brush too, the pen too. Do you want to see how i hold the brush."
I rushed and gave a Round size 6 paint brush, paints & sheet even when i knew his favorite is the rigged size 5 brush.He was earlier very particular paint brushes, colors, sheets, canvses, glasses, stones, pots etc....He painted a beautiful deer.
Chiki Miki said--" You know last one month i have been trying to tell you, I can now hold the brush but I cud never speak.You know of my illness, I sometimes even now keep hearing strange voices in my head, motionless, can't gather my thoughts and words,Like many others I keep staring without blinking like I am fixated in a rigid pose for hours like Catatonia. You are suprised how I know it.. I am ill , of what I dont know . At 20 i am better I remember my colors and brushes.You understand me , right even when i am quiet. "
I was quiet and smiled saying Yes. He kept sitting comfortably on the bed for about 16 minutes staring again, this time at the painting.After this he got up to go, I stopped him and pulled out a new pack of paints, brushes & canvas.
Chiki Miki Said-" I cudnt hold the brush then, when Papa got these for me 4 years back and I threw them away, so these paints got angry with me.They dont know how much I love them. Can I take them back in my life."
He began to cry, I was happy--he finally wanted his colors again.Chiki Miki took the things, going back to his room. He turned around and said--- " Thanks Nasty, you are the best sister. I will go with you to the resturant & eat food properly, next time." He left.
I smiled and switched on the walkman--- Don Mclean's lyrics ---
Starry, starry night
Paint your palette blue and gray
Look out on a summer's day
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul...
Shadows on the hills
Sketch the trees and the daffodils
Catch the breeze and the winter chillsIn colors on the snowy linen land.
Now I understand, What you tried to say, to me
And how you suffered for your sanity, And how you tried to set them free:
They would not listen; they did not know how
--Perhaps they'll listen now ----
Ps- The picture is the painting by Van Gogh--Starry Nights
1 comment:
wow those colors!! The only color missing in the text is BLACK
Now the comment takes care of that
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